31 August 2010

Newsletter IX

A Course in Grant Writing and Fundraising will be Starting in Jerusalem

Starting October, we will be giving a course on grant writing, foundations, and fundraising in Jerusalem. Whether you are a fundraising professional looking to improve your skills, or someone wanting to enter the resource development profession, this course is for you. Discounts for people who register early! Read more about our course in fundraising and grant writing.

Monthly Client Update: The Zalul Enivornmental Association

We are pleased to have the Zalul Environmental Association as one of the clients for whom we are seeking funding. Zalul is an Israeli environmental NGO founded in 1999 working to protect the seas and rivers of Israel through conservation, activism, research, awareness-raising and education. Zalul has initiated local and national campaigns that target unchallenged municipalities, corporations and the national government on their negligence and destruction of Israel’s most precious resource - water.

Most recently Zalul has been focusing its attention on a number of projects, including:

  • Pushing forward Best Available Technology (BAT) implementation policies in Israel's polluting factories.
  • Ending the discharge of effluent into the Mediterranean by the Unilever (Telma) production factory.
  • Fighting for the end of sewage discharge to the sea by multiple local authorities along the Mediterranean coastline.
  • Building partnerships with companies to promote our shared vision of clean seas and rivers.
  • Closely following the development of desalination facilities and demanding the use of BAT to ensure a minimal environmental impact.
Israel's seas and rivers have been marginalized for decades and it is up to us all to work to protect them from future damage and to rehabilitate them to their former splendor. Join Zalul on their website (www.zalul.org), on Facebook (www.facebook.com/zalulisrael), and on Twitter (www.twitter.com/zalul).

Read Zalul's petition to stop Telma's polluting of the Med!

An Unpaid Internship that Paid Off - by Jessica Kirk-Bowman, Development Coordinator, HaMoked

When I decided to attend the Hebrew University for their MA program in Community Leadership and Philanthropy, it was part of my great plan to leave the United States and my medical research career behind and start a new life and career in Israeli nonprofits. While starting courses was straightforward, finding actual work experience proved to be much more challenging. Even finding a volunteer position that provided meaningful work and learning opportunities was not simple. Then this past spring, David-Maeir Epstein provided a few lectures to our class and announced that he’d was providing an internship in his office. I was excited about the chance to learn about fundraising and its myriad of details, and was hopeful that this internship experience would be valuable.

For several months this past spring, I worked twice a week in the office of David Maeir-Epstein, Resource Development for Nonprofits on Emek Rafaim in Jerusalem. There was always something for me to contribute to and learn about. During my work, I was given assignments that I taught me the ins and outs of fundraising, including writing letters of inquiry, foundation research, drafting proposals, submissions and working with foundations. In addition, the staff made me feel at home and I was able to learn from everyone. Interning has given me greater confidence in my knowledge and capabilities as a grant writer.

A few weeks ago I applied for a job as Development Coordinator for HaMoked, the The Center for the Defense of the Individual. I included the internship on my resume and gave David as a reference. I have no doubt that the internship played a most significant role my getting the job offer! I'm really excited about staying in Israel and in meeting the challenges of my new position. I'm grateful for the opportunity that I had as an intern, experiencing firsthand how the work is done on a day to day level at one of the leading resource development consulting firms in Israel.

Anyone interesting in interning should contact David Maeir-Epstein at dave@israelgrants.com.

We Need a Bi-lingual Secretary
Our office is seeking an entry-level, bilingual secretary. Currently, the job is a part-time position, during the morning hours, with the possibility of full-time work after the holidays. This person will have the unique opportunity to receive training in grantwriting and fundraising. Please contact Shlomit at Shlomit@israelgrants.com for details.

Congratulations to Clients:

An organization working in the area of coexistence was awarded a grant from USAID in the amount of $560,000 for Arab-Jewish Youth Councils in Israel's mixed cities. After the contract is signed, we shall be able to provide more details. This is the second largest grant that we have been involved in obtaining for a client!.

The Katheryn Ames Foundation granted $12,000 to Hut Hameshulash for their project “A Warm Home for Girls”. This grant was based on the proposal we submitted as well a visit of the project site that Dave arranged. Located Jerusalem, the home provides 12 girls, ages 17-22, some of whom are pregnant, with a period of up to a year in an extended family framework, counseling and vocational training and a chance to stabilize their lives and choose a positive path for the future. Mazal Tov to Yigal Goldstein, the director, and Sivan, the project manager!

18 August 2010

Consultation for Chimes

After having helped recruit the new Director of Development for Chimes Israel, which runs some 20 institutions and day programs around the country for people with intellectual, developmental and psychiatric challenges, we are now providing consultation on potential funders for the expansion of their day care center in Taibe, an Arab-Israeli town in the Galilee.

If your organization has people responsible for fundraising, read about how we can help your organization maximize its potential.

17 August 2010

Wanted: Director of Resource Development

We are in the process of a recruiting a director of resource development for the Kfar Pines Educational Institutions. Kfar Pines is a national religious women's Ulpana, with programs in Hadera and Or Yehuda. The job includes grant writing; work with foundations, solicitation and organizing fundraising events with alumni as well as setting up a friends organization. We will be interviewing candidates at the end of August, so anyone interested should send their CV in Hebrew and English to Shlomit at shlomit@israelgrants.com. The CV must include three references of people who can attest to your experience as a fundraiser.

15 August 2010

We Recruited a Director of Resource Development for Chimes Israel!

After a thorough recruitment process involving several highly qualified people, Chimes Israel has selected Ester Sharon as the new Director of Development for the organization. Chimes is an internationally known nonprofit organization which runs some 20 institutions and day programs around the country for people with intellectual, developmental and psychiatric challenges, we are now providing consultation on potential funders for the expansion of their day care center in Taibe, an Arab-Israeli town in the Galilee.

12 August 2010

גיוס כספים ממשרדי הממשלה, מהביטוח הלאומי ומוועדת עזבונות – סדנה

הקורס מלא! לצערינו לא נוכל לקבל עוד משתתפים.

משרדי הממשלה מחלקים מיליארדי שקלים לעמותות ומלכ"רים. רק כ- 3,000 עמותות זוכות בכסף רב זה. קיימות דרכים אחדות לקבל כסף ממשרדי ממשלה. בשבועות הקרובים יתפרסמו קולות קוראים של משרדי הממשלה לקראת השנה הבאה. במסגרת הסדנה, נלמד ביסודיות את הנושאים הבאים:

א. הכרת מבנה המבחנים לתמיכה של משרדי הממשלה, אמות המידה לחלוקת הכספים, האפשרות להתמודד משפטית עם מבחנים אלה
ב. פניה למכרזים ממשלתיים והגדלת הסיכויים לזכיה
ג. הכרת צורות התקשרות עדכניות נוספות עם המדינה כמו מיזם משותף, התקשרות בפטור ממכרז ועוד
ד. היכרות יסודית עם שש קרנות הביטוח הלאומי
ה. טיפים לפניה מוצלחת לוועדת עזבונות של המדינה

מנחי הסדנה: עו"ד אמנון דה הרטוך שימש שנים רבות במשרד המשפטים בתפקיד ראש תחום תמיכות. הוא העניק ייעוץ משפטי לכל משרדי הממשלה בנושא. כמו כן, נתן ייעוץ משפטי בנושא אמות המידה להקצאת כספים בתחומים אחרים. בשנתיים האחרונות עו"ד דה-הרטוך מייצג גופים שונים מול המדינה והרשויות בכל הנוגע להשגת משאבים ציבוריים. איציק פלטק בעל משרד לייעוץ - פלטק את שחם גיוס משאבים בע"מ - יסקור את קרנות הביטוח הלאומי וועדת עזבונות.

הסדנה תתקיים ביום שלישי, ו' תשרי תשע"א, ה- 14.9.2010, משעה 10:00 – 15:00, בבית חיל האוויר, היכל אמנויות הבמה הרצליה, רח' זבוטינסקי 15, הרצליה (גישה נוחה מכל צירי התנועה וחניה חופשית).

הסדנה מיועדת לגייסי כספים, מנהלי עמותות וחברי הנהלות ציבוריות. מספר המקומות מוגבל ל- 40 משתתפים בכל סדנה.

החברה שומרת לעצמה את הזכות לא לקבל את כל הפונים.

עלות הסדנה 390 ש"ח (כולל מע"מ). נא למלא את הספח ולצרף צ'ק לפקודת פלטק את שחם גיוס משאבים בע"מ (ח.פ 514330133).

הכתובת למשלוח: רח' בן גוריון 22, שער העיר 1 הרצליה 46785 הודעה על שינוי/דחייה תימסר לנרשמים בלבד. הודעה על ביטול השתתפות תתקבל רק עד ה- 7.9.2010. _________________________________________________________________________ הנני מאשר את השתתפותי בסדנה ב- 14.9.2010 שם: ____________________ ארגון: ________________________ תפקיד: ________________ טל' עבודה: __________ נייד _____________ כתובת: ___________________ דוא"ל: __________

10 August 2010

New Course in Grant Writing in Jerusalem!


6 Session 3 hours each led by David Maeir- Epstein, MSSA

Targeted both to people already working and to those interested in entering the field of resource development for nonprofit organizations. The course in Jerusalem will meet twice monthly beginning October 2010.

In the grantwriting section of the course we will focus on the teaching how to write grant proposals and identifying and working with foundations. Participants will produce a grant proposal as a result of the course. The fundraising section will teach the theoretical and practical tools necessary to enhance your knowledge of the field including personal solicitation, fundraising events, corporate sponsorship and internet fundraising. The final session will include guidance on how to gain employment or professional advancement in the field.

While we cannot promise employment, many of our courses graduates have gone to work in the field, some of them with us. Uniformly positive evaluations have been given both by people working in the field who sharpened their skills and knowledge and by those looking to get into the field for the first time. Please check our website for references from previous course participants.

Cost: The course will cost 1500 NIS including VAT for payment in full by Sept 15, 1600 NIS for payment by October 5 and 1700 NIS thereafter. Members of Nefesh B'Nefesh, AACI, SAZF, the Yokneam Forum of Technical Writers (Elephant), UJIA, graduates of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and of the PresenTense Institute are available for further 75 nis discounts. Those not prepaying may pay out the fee over a number of months.

Dates: The course will take place in six sessions each 3 hours long once every second week. The final dates, days, and times will be determined according to the preference of the first six registrants. The course will take place at or near our offices on Emek Refaim 43A, Jerusalem

To sign up or to receive more information, please contact Bruria at 02-563-6629 or email at bruria@israelgrants.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

For information about David Maeir-Epstein, Resource Development Consultants to Nonprofit Organizations see www.israelgrants.com

New Client!

One of our new clients is Yale University and Dr. James Leckman of the Yale Medical School who has created a group of highly motivated mental health care professionals, led by:
  • Alan Apter, M.D., Director of Clalit Health Services Department of Psychiatry, and Director of the Psychological Medicine Department, Schneider Children’s Medical Center
  • Tawfiq Salman, M.D., President, Palestinian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Bethlehem, Palestine and Director of SOS-Children’s Villages, Palestine Office.
They are working to ensure that mental health professionals can better serve the children of the region through joint training and research projects. We are currently adapting a USAID proposal for submission to foundations which we have identified as funding projects of this nature. Working with a world class organization like Yale is both an honor and a pleasure.

9 August 2010

Success for the U.S. Agency for International Development!

I am very proud and pleased to have been informed yesterday that a grant proposal to the U.S. Agency for International Development that I helped write for a youth leadership coexistence proposal to be implemented in Israel's mixed cities was awarded $560,000! I can't yet share the details because there is a survey process that has to take place before the contract is signed, but I'm confident that the organization in question will be able to get through that last hurdle. This is the second highest grant that I've been involved in obtaining. Like the European Union grant process, USAID is a very complex application form with an equally complex system of assessment. Like most complex grant processes, this was a team effort with me playing a supporting role, including several instances of working through the night. Nevertheless, when successes like this occur there's a great deal of satisfaction and plenty of room for sharing the credit!

-David Maeir-Epstein

1 August 2010

Grant to Hut Hameshulash from the Ames Foundation!

Several months ago I arranged for the Kathryn Ames Foundation delegation to visit the Hut Hameshulash's (The Three Fold Cord) project 'Bayit Cham L'Banot'. Located in a donated villa in northern Jerusalem, the 'Bayit Cham L'Banot' (Warm Home for Homeless Girls) provides 12 girls, ages 17-22, some of whom are pregnant, with a period of up to a year in an extended family framework,. They receive counseling, vocational training, and a chance to stabilize their lives and choose a positive path for the future. I am very pleased to start my week with the happy news that the foundation has approved a $10,000 grant. Mazal Tov to Yigal Goldstein, the director, and Sivan, the project manager!

-David Maeir-Epstein
