Submission of Annual Reports to the Rasham HaAmutot ( Registrar of Nonprofit Associations)
The deadline has been postpones to September 30, 2009 - We can help you with your submissions required to receive "Nihool Takin". The deadline for submitting the required materials to obtain "Nihool Takin" including the new requirement for the narrative Annual Report for 2008 is September 30, 2009. We are very familiar with the requirements of this new report and would be pleased to assist you in making sure that your Narrative Report will be professionally prepared including all elements required by the new law and administrative rules in order to receive the status of Nihool Takin. Contact us at 5636629 or dave@israelgrants.com.
An ‘Old’ Amuta + A New Initiative = A Win Win Situation: David Maeir Epstein- CEO
The partnering of an existing Amuta with a new initiative by outsiders, who otherwise might have set up their own new Amuta, can reap benefits for both. While there are potential downsides relating to financial and policy control, freedom of action, ego, and publicity/public relations, these are resolvable. Marriage too has similar demands for adjustment - but the results are usually tremendously gratifying - children and grandchildren in the case of marriage- and tikun olam in the case of focusing on your objectives and projects in a more effective way. The new project and its leaders will add additional activity to the resume of the existing nonprofit, contribute towards overhead costs, and bring new potential funders onto the existing organization's radar screen. An agreement with the existing organization will save money and tens of hours every year for the new project's initiators and make its time more efficient, benefiting from the financial and administrative procedures already in place. It's a win-win situation.
Why an Existing Amuta should welcome a new initiative with open arms:
1. The existing Amuta will be able to take credit for new areas of action without investing its own funds.
2. The existing Amuta will be introduced to new potential funding opportunities via contributions to the new project. A relationship with these donors can and should be developed by exposing the donors to the Amuta’s vision, target population, programs and services.
3. Administrative expenses can be charged to the new initiative, reducing your overhead. Whatever you charge will surely be less than it would have cost the new initiative on their own.
4. The developers of the new project could well become a source for innovation and energy for the overall organization.
To read more and learn why its better for a new initiative to join with an Amuta rather than register as a new one and how we can help connect Amutot and new initiatives, click here
The David Berg Foundation has an Aug 30th deadline for applications. The foundation focuses on social justice, elderly, legal services and community.
The Millstein Foundation with an interest in Health, Education, Culture and supportive services has an end of August deadline.
Registration for a Fall Grantwriting course is being taken now!
"I found the course very thorough, instructive, and interesting and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in following this direction." -Joe Charlaff
David Maeir Epstein Resource Development Consultants for Non Profits
43A Emek Refaim Jerusalem, Israel
02 563 6629 www.israelgrants.com
An ‘Old’ Amuta + A New Initiative = A Win Win Situation: David Maeir Epstein- CEO
The partnering of an existing Amuta with a new initiative by outsiders, who otherwise might have set up their own new Amuta, can reap benefits for both. While there are potential downsides relating to financial and policy control, freedom of action, ego, and publicity/public relations, these are resolvable. Marriage too has similar demands for adjustment - but the results are usually tremendously gratifying - children and grandchildren in the case of marriage- and tikun olam in the case of focusing on your objectives and projects in a more effective way. The new project and its leaders will add additional activity to the resume of the existing nonprofit, contribute towards overhead costs, and bring new potential funders onto the existing organization's radar screen. An agreement with the existing organization will save money and tens of hours every year for the new project's initiators and make its time more efficient, benefiting from the financial and administrative procedures already in place. It's a win-win situation.
Why an Existing Amuta should welcome a new initiative with open arms:
1. The existing Amuta will be able to take credit for new areas of action without investing its own funds.
2. The existing Amuta will be introduced to new potential funding opportunities via contributions to the new project. A relationship with these donors can and should be developed by exposing the donors to the Amuta’s vision, target population, programs and services.
3. Administrative expenses can be charged to the new initiative, reducing your overhead. Whatever you charge will surely be less than it would have cost the new initiative on their own.
4. The developers of the new project could well become a source for innovation and energy for the overall organization.
To read more and learn why its better for a new initiative to join with an Amuta rather than register as a new one and how we can help connect Amutot and new initiatives, click here
The David Berg Foundation has an Aug 30th deadline for applications. The foundation focuses on social justice, elderly, legal services and community.
The Millstein Foundation with an interest in Health, Education, Culture and supportive services has an end of August deadline.
Registration for a Fall Grantwriting course is being taken now!
"I found the course very thorough, instructive, and interesting and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in following this direction." -Joe Charlaff
David Maeir Epstein Resource Development Consultants for Non Profits
43A Emek Refaim Jerusalem, Israel
02 563 6629 www.israelgrants.com
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