I just returned from four weeks in the U.S. The second Seder reminded me of yet another reason why I made Aliyah! I was able to meet with the heads of several foundations, among them Adelson, Ames, and Fleischer, and succeeded in including several of my clients (The Orthodox Scouts of Jaffa, Hut Hameshulash and Yod Bet B'Cheshvan) in upcoming Israel site visits. One of my main work tasks together with its President, Prof. David Alexander, was the establishment of the Friends of the Neri Bloomfield School of Design in Haifa.
It is quite remarkable that from nearly 10,000 kilometers away, I still could work with email and LogMeIn to submit proposals for Pitchon Lev, one of our new clients, from my office computer to The Ministry of Absorption, Bituach Leumi and the Philadelphia Jewish Federation in time for their deadlines!
Another optimistic development was a site visit of an Israel foundation representative to a client in Jerusalem. The visit was so successful that the representative agreed to call her colleague at another foundation where a proposal for funding was pending and recommend positive consideration!
We are now planning a two-day intensive grantwriting and work with foundations workshop to be held May 30-31 at Machon Arava in Kibbutz Ketura. The workshop is open to the public and will cost 1000 NIS per participant. For details and registration please contact Sarit or Bruria - (a good opportunity to combine it with a weekend in Eilat?)
Also, I'm looking to add some bi-lingual freelancers to our external staff. Send your CV's to me at dave@israelgrants.com
Best wishes for a good summer!
There is one available slot in our subscription to the foundationsearch.com website. Please contact us to join at a significant discount!
Our courses on grantwriting and fundraising are designed for the novice as well as the professional resource developer and cover all topics within this growing field. Register for our Jerusalem course (beginning May 24) by May 1 to get the early bird discount of 100NIS.
We are also accepting registration for courses in Modi'in, Haifa and the South! For more information, see our site or contact Bruria.
Funding Opportunities
There is an upcoming deadline for a foundation looking for innovative projects for Olim and to ensure that impoverished communities receive the opportunity to move out of poverty and advance economically and socially. If you have a project that fits this description, please be in touch with us.
The Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust funds environmental programs, programs for the disabled, social justice and human rights projects, youth at risk programs and work with Beduin and refugees. LOIs can be sent anytime.
Contact us to see how we can assist you in your resource development goals.
Follow us on Twitter & Facebook!
David Maeir Epstein Resource Development Consultants for Non Profits
43A Emek Refaim Jerusalem, Israel
02 563 6629 www.israelgrants.com
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