21 September 2010

Chareidim, the Army, and the Job Market

There are two issues that have been "hot potatoes" in Israeli society for years, namely the participation of Chareidim in the Israel Defense Forces and in the job market. The Shachar Program is working to provide a solution to both of these issues in a way which benefits all sides involved. Shachar, which is run by one of our clients, the Aminadav National Service Organization and funded by the Joint and the IDF, provides a framework for Charedi men learning in yeshivot to join the army in a way which fits their way of life. These men serve in IDF support branches (for example computers or army intelligence), and receive professional training in various fields which enables them to join the work force. In fact, 90% find work in their fields within three months of finishing their tour of duty.

Recently, the Joint decided to triple their budget for this program. Take a look at this article for more information on Shachar and their expanded program. Congratulaitons to Shachar and a big yashar koach to all the men who participate in this program.

For more information on how we can help your organization obtain funding, please see our website: www.israelgrants.com

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