30 July 2012

Growing Success for the Catalogue of Experiential Visits to Non-profits- Summer Pilot Project 2012

As part of our initial pilot visits, we took a group of four to visit with The Haifa Foundation. The visitors, all over 50 years old, were conveniently received at the entrance to Haifa by Mr. Shmuel Propper, Deputy Director of The Haifa Foundation who immediately told them to address him as Sam, if Shmuel was too difficult to pronounce! The visit continued in this vein - friendly, humorous, accommodating and enjoyable, with an explanation in excellent English. The visitors loved "Sam's" enthusiasm about the city.

Amongst the sights that were included in the 1 1/4 hour tour of Haifa, were projects funded by the Haifa Foundation, locations attesting to the impressive growth of the city and its future direction, and sites that emphasized the variety of cultural groups which live there. Shmuel also shared information about the funding of projects and amounts needed to complete them.

The guests had plenty of time to ask questions – all of which were nicely answered. In two locations, the group left the car and toured the spot – a community center in a predominantly Ethiopian neighborhood, and an abandoned park which is slated to become a highly sophisticated community recreation park.

At the end of the tour, the visitors received a nice brochure and contact information was exchanged. The ball is now in the Haifa Foundation’s court in terms of being directly in touch with the participants and hopefully gaining their support and cooperation.  

Join our Catalogue and see more about the Haifa Foundation in the Catalogue of Experiential Visits to Non-Profits: http://israelgrants.com/images/stories/catalogue.pdf

Tourists and Israelis interested in participating in a pilot visit to any of the experiential visits in our catalog are invited to contact Alisa Maeir-Epstein, the Catalog Project Coordinator at - 0545-872260 Email – alisa@israelgrants.com

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