20 November 2012

David's observations from the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America

David Maeir-Epstein attended the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America which took place last week in Baltimore, Md. There he represented a number of our clients including Atid BaMidbar, the Orthodox Scouts of Jaffa, Midreshet HaGolan, Unistream, Mechinot Tamir and Kyriat Malachi, and Yod Bet BHeshvan. Here are some of his observations from his experience and tips for fundraising.

* There was as much networking among the Israeli organizations with tables at the "Marketplace" exhibition hall as there was between them and the GA participants. Opportunities for partnerships in program planning, operation and funding were explored in this marketplace of ideas.

*  There was great interest in our Catalog of Experiential Visits to Israeli Nonprofits on the part of laypeople and tour operators. I also met several lay leaders who plan to spend a month in Israel and who were excited to hear that they could choose visits from the Catalog in areas of their interest. I did discover that the initiative is less relevant for formal Federation missions which are focused on exposing their participants to the projects they fund either directly or via P2Gether, JAFI or JDC.

*   I am very excited about a meeting I was able to arrange to arrange with Robin Morse, the daughter or granddaughter of the famous Margret Morse whose tour busses we see so often in Israel with mostly non-Jewish clientele. I am optimistic that she will include some of the visits described in our virtual catalog in their upcoming tours. I also connected at the GA with Ophir Tours and we'll be meeting with them when we return about getting visits for those trips to those of you listed in the Virtual Catalog of Experiential Visits to nonprofits in Israel.

*  I met in Miami with Norman Lipoff with whom I had worked some 30 years ago when he was the head of Project Renewal and I represented the Jewish Federations of Baltimore, Los Angeles, Houston and Central New Jersey. Norman who is the trustee of several foundations which give in Israel told me that one of them, the Robert Russell Foundation has just created a website with their criteria and a downloadable application form. Go to robertrussellfoundation.org. They are interested in pluralistic Jewish identity programs and also do capital projects.

*   The phenomena of Jewish Women's Foundations and Giving Groups for both adults and teens is spreading. I met the lay head of the Jewish Women's Renaissance Project in Washington which raises funds to bring Jewish laywomen to Israel for the first time. And I met with Joseph Hyman of the Center for Entrepreneurial Jewish Philanthropy, with several members of the Philadelphia based Acharai giving circle who recently granted $50,000 to our client Carmei Hair which is taking over Hazon Ishaya's operation following the scandal that led to the court approved takeover.  And I met a very impressive young man, Gilad Salmon, who is promoting a national day of giving for all U.S. Jewish teens which is expected to raise several million dollars for nonprofits in the US and Israel (see www.GiveJewishly.org)

*  Coming up next weeks agenda are meetings with the director of the Philanthropic Services Department of the Wells Fargo Bank which handles the Harry Kramer Memorial Foundation among others, David Mallach, the Director of the NY UJA Federation's Commission on the Jewish People, and Jeri Zimmerman, the Director of the Israel and Overseas Department of the Philadelphia Jewish Federation.

In spite of all the good meetings, I'm already looking forward to coming home.....


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